
August 5, 2024


Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic (AMCR) is part of a large research infrastructure Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic (AIS CR). AMCR API is a homepage of AMCR application programming interfaces, currently providing data stored in the AMCR database using the OpenArchives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH API).

Other AIS CR websites

API Changelog

Older changelogs can be browsed here.


The data accessible through the AMCR API (and AIS CR in general) are published in accordance with the Open Access and with the consent of the copyright holders. Data usage is subject (unless explicitly stated otherwise) to the CC BY-NC 4.0 Int. licence (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International). Consequently, the data may only be used with proper attribution to the author/provider and exclusively for non-commercial purposes. This provision does not restrict the utilisation of AIS CR/AMCR data based on other contractual agreements or statutory rights. Use of the AMCR API for commercial purposes is permissible only upon the execution of a prior written agreement. If interested, please contact us for this purpose.

Contents of this page is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 Int. licence as well.

Data re-use

Because the tools managed by AIS CR provide data predominantly under Open Access policy, it is not possible to monitor the use of the data provided or what outputs are generated by it. However, as we are legally obliged to report this information, we kindly ask you as the AIS CR users to cooperate in reporting the scientific outputs that were generated using AIS CR data, tools and services.

Every AIS CR user is therefore obliged to:

  • always indicate in the usual way in specific outputs that the AIS CR infrastructure has been used to produce them, referring to the data or tool used;
  • when entering output information into the Results Information Register – RIV (e.g. at the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences sites via the ASEP database), select the proper link of the result to the AIS CR infrastructure in the field of LRI (Large Research Infrastructures) from the offered project code list of large research infrastructures;
  • kindly let us know via this questionnaire that the output has been published.


Please cite the use of the data queried from the API in scientific publications as follows:

AMCR: Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic. [cit. YYYY-MM-DD]. Available from:

And the API documentation as:

Pajdla P., Novák D. 2024: AMCR API Documentation. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13220182. Website: Source: